Strawpurry Tea Party

Created by VioletCascade

The Strawpurries and the rest of the Purrberry family have invited you to tea! Share in some unique moments from the day in the form of collectable pins and perhaps some additional goodies exclusive for backers only!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pin sample photos!!
12 days ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 02:10:29 AM

Hi so everyone has been filling out the surveys it’s been going pretty well with just a few people remaining! I’ll be adding more to the store soon this will be its own update to let everyone know though c:

But I wanted to share current pictures I’ve gotten from my manufacturer please know these are only
Samples and nowhere near done they’re made for colour selection reasons and making sure to fix before larger production! 
Currently I’m thinking I like the strawpurries having the pink metal (it’s pink or will look pink the lighting + no screen printing throws it to a red in the image. the sugar ants I’m going to change to black nickel instead of blue even if the blue looks super cool with the transparent backing the ants will look better in black. 
Obviously the bee kitty on the collaboration pin is filled with the transparent when it should be the solid yellow. The Strawpurry tea “green” on the inside cup is much too green and the honey purrs blue looks too blue but this could be lighting based and because it looks like it wasn’t completed before the photo.

Anyone have any thoughts?/ suggestions ;v;
Also sorry if i missed anyone’s comment on the previous update it’s difficult only being able to reply to the first comment 😅

Surveys and some pin previews!!
20 days ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 07:01:55 PM

Hi everyone I launched the smoke screen and just couldn’t wait so I’ve launched all the surveys now!!
In good news I’m feeling much better and am on a medication that’s helping so far.


To those who backed by adding add ons and missed “pawty favour tier” I messed up during my brain fog it was supposed to be a limited number tier event for my birthday but if your campaign order was over $110AUD i’ll be treating it as a Pawty favour box and add one of everything even though the survey won’t state this because I honestly forgot but I’ll inform the backerkit staff!
(Please note this is applied for the campaign funds not preorder store)

Preorder store:

I’ve added the special colour of the collaboration pin to the preorder store alongside Rose the bunnerfly any additional pins will have a minimum unlock of 5 orders just so I can guarantee enough interest in the designs not for funding specifically! 

Please know I will balance orders out and no one will leave empty handed, if I have to eat costs i will I was hoping to plan through and avoid this happening but I hate to leave anyone upset so if it’s extra pins, stickers or faster shipping don’t be surprised! C: 

Everyone has been incredibly kind and supportive and I’m so looking forward to my next campaign which will be the long anticipated Momo plushie!

about 2 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 09:17:29 PM

Hi everyone! I wanted this update to include all the new designs I’d planned but my health hasn’t been great, i won’t bore everyone with details mainly just new medication making me nauseous/ continued light sensitivity. I’m completing the survey set up (mainly just figuring out shipping it’s so much math for my single brain cell ;;) all the current designs have their colours picked out and have been submitted for samples so hopefully in the next update I can share some pictures with you all!

Everyone has been so lovely and supportive about all this and I’m incredibly sorry for letting you guys down, I will continue to finish up new designs asap!

I do have something special to share with you though! Asherbee gave me an idea with her preorder variant of the limited edition pin so I hope it’s alright I’ve made this pastel variant of my collaboration campaign pin that anyone can buy in the store when it’s up for those who wanted one/ more of them!

Phew what a week
2 months ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 06:55:34 AM

Hi everyone! So small update as I get around to replying to all your comments and answering things now that I can see! 😂

I received a great quote for the designs from my manufacturer which means we have plenty of more cuties funded I will add them to the preorder store and a bunch more things featuring the kitties.
Currently I’m going through all your suggestions and I’m thinking of creating at least stickers of the designs and some pins and my plan for those is if you suggested it you get the item for free c:

Still figuring out all of backerkits settings, it’s way more involved than kickstarters interface so please bare with me I hope to have smoke screens out soon but figuring out shipping has made my brain hurt a bit, not that the migraine helped haha

Late last week my iPad decided it had enough with life and did it’d best to leave and of course it hadn’t run any file backups so here I am running to save everything at 15% battery, I was expecting to get a new one soon but this expedited the situation and typically after I purchased it’s replacement my iPad has decided to charge again, which is good news as I can move everything and continue with drawing the remaining pins. Plus an allergic reaction that lead me to have super puffy eyelids!

It really has been an insane week so apologies I’m here again with only sketches but what do you guys think?
i really like the idea of the gem “honey” drop but I’m worried it could look tacky 🤔

Last few hours update!
3 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 06:30:52 PM

Hi everyone sorry I wanted to keep everyone more updated but and I knew this was a potential issue before I ran the campaign I’d been experiencing the symptoms of a minor migraine and usually the best option for me is to avoid looking at bright screens for a little bit to hopefully shoo it away c’:

Sending out a huge thank you to everyone for supporting the campaign and I’m so excited to have everything in person for real life! I’ve already started the samples for the honeypurrs & kitants as I’m too impatient for seeing how those will turn out haha

 I’ve added this little tea kitty to the pins as people have requested them and I love this cutie too 🙈

and still have a teapot and a few others planned and am hoping I’ll be able to add them but I may add them to the preorder store after the campaign! (They’ll stay the same price for backers maybe even a little additional discount/ bundles)
Forgive the Sketchy little cuties!